
How we shift the Universe

I think I have figured out how we shift the Universe by shifting ourselves.
I used to be an activist. A couple of years ago I just felt that this was not the way to change anything. I was frustrated, often angry and everybody started fighting among themselves and accusing everyone else of being a corporate spy. So I quit writing news and journal articles and decided that there must be a better way.

I understood that we need a sea change. If we actually succeed in changing one thing, the opposition already has four backup plans in place and it is a losing proposition from the start. We need a total change of consciousness. I understood that trying to change the way business and politics are done using the same tools that they use is a losing battle. From an energetic position. I was using and generating the same energy.

It made no sense to me at all but I knew that if I just held the space here where I am and raised my own vibration, that was the way to change the world. I haven’t said this to anyone, it would sound crazy. It even sounded crazy to me. Yet I knew it to be so. So I take walks in the woods every day. I consciously channel my energy into the Earth and then up and out into all the directions. Still thinking I am probably just crazy.

I recently had this idea that Lightworkers are deliberately positioned at various places around the globe. We are each doing this thing and our energies are eventually going to touch and form a grid. Perhaps it already has.

But here’s how we actually shift the world: I have long understood that we are holograms. An interesting property of a hologram is that you can cut a small piece of the hologram and still form the entire image because all of the information is contained in every part. This is because the hologram is not a picture, like a photograph, it is an interference pattern. It is a recording of  the pattern. So that when any part of the hologram is illuminated, the image is recreated from the pattern.

What we are is energy patterns. Everything is an energy pattern. In order to perceive anything, our energy has to resonate with it. If it doesn’t, we just don’t even notice it.

Here is the part I missed: A hologram is a done thing. Like a photograph.  The energy pattern is recorded but cannot be changed. And this is where our reality diverges from the hologram. We, along with our reality, are a constantly changing mosaic. Each of us contributes our energy to the  mosaic. What is in one piece is known throughout the whole because this is the nature of holograms (and the reality behind wholeness–we are one in that we are all energy and the energies are all intertwined and aware–what affects the part also affects the whole).

See, I just could not figure out how me standing in the forest pretending to focus my energy into Earth and out into the Universe could change anything. I did not understand how clearing and crying and laughing and clearing and crying could do anything for anyone but me. But, energetically, the way is opened. The information is stored and available. Not just my journey, but all of ours. Others can follow whichever path they like or they can forge their own (like we have) but the paths WERE NOT THERE before. And this is how raising my energy changes the world. And all of us, in concert, are shifting our reality as we raise consciousness everywhere.

What are these flowers doing here now?

I am an avid gardener and I want to report some strange goings-on. Flowers are blooming right now that only bloom in early spring: hellebore, bearded iris, magnolia, witch hazel and I have an amaryllis in a pot in full bloom that usually blooms between Christmas and February. I asked these flowers what they are doing here now and I got this reply: We came to cheer you. I thought about this for a while. Very early Spring. Renewal. Rebirth. We truly have re-birthed ourselves and so has Earth. I’m a little embarrassed because only last week I was screaming for miracles! If this ain’t one, I don’t know what is. And it’s been going on right under my nose for a few weeks now.


Plenty of red

When my granddaughter was about 3 or 4 years old, her favorite color was red.  One day I bought her a beautiful red dress.  Just two days later I came upon her in her new dress and there was a big blue slash right across the front of it!
Horrified, I said, "Oh honey, what's that on your dress?"
Very matter-of-factly, she said, "Oh, it's paint."
"Will it come out?" I asked.
"No," she said.
"Oh, no!" I exclaimed.
Very patiently she explained, "It's okay Grandma, there's plenty of red left."

The important thing, you see, was the red.  And there was still plenty of it.

When you think disaster has struck, try to see if there's enough red left.


Candle of Peace

Light the way.

As this candle is carried from one site to another, the flame of spiritual love and healing continues to light the way for those who seek to know the true self.

Take this light with you to your page that it may light the way to love and healing. Watch as it travels from one place to another and in so doing it embraces our
world with hope.

Peace, Love and Light

Note: if you copy the code from the link above, you will also need to download the image and insert it in your page.

A Little Gem

I stumbled across this little gem on Whitehawk's blog.
Originally published in 1990, it appears to be in the public domain.  However, it has been reprinted and is also available in book form on amazon.com.
I am so enamored of it that I am reproducing it here in it's entirety.  My favorite line is, "Getting out of here is not the point.  Getting more light into here is."  What's yours?
Also, please consider joining the PLO (Planetary Liberation Organization).

E.T. 101

The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution

An Emergency Remedial Earth Edition

Co-created by Mission Control and Zoev Jho


This third-dimensional publication of The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution is dedicated to all our relations.

—The Intergalactic Council


The Mission

The mission to Planet Earth was initiated by request of the planet herself. Earth has asked and the stellar councils have granted an evolutionary leap. Over the last millennium Earth has been preparing for our advent. It is now time to enter the Earth plane to reclaim this planet in the name of the Forces of Light and to open her doors to the cosmic community in which she resides.We congratulate and salute those of you throughout the universes who have volunteered for this assignment. Go with our blessing. And remember, read the manual before you get there. Although you are veterans of countless successful missions to numerous dysfunctional life support systems, watch out for this one.This edition of the manual is specifically designed for this planetary system—a system which defies all true rationality and has raised dysfunctionality to an art form. It is also one of the few systems where telling the truth is covertly considered a creative act. Because of the inherent hazards of this planet, Mission Control will not be responsible for any members of this mission who do not thoroughly acquaint themselves with the material contained in this special edition.—Mission Control


Making your life work for you

I recently had an insight while playing a game of dice.  [note: insights can come from anywhere!  Pay attention.]  There were eight people playing.  During each person's turn I sincerely and truly hoped they would roll the numbers they were trying for so they could get a high score.  When my turn came I just rolled without caring too much what the outcome would be.  I was enjoying the game and, while I hoped I would get what I was rolling for, I wasn't too attached to the outcome.  At the end of the game I had the highest score.  In fact, I scored higher than I ever had before!

In contrast, when I had played that same game before, I became anxious at my turn.  I really wanted the dice to fall in my favor.  At other people's turn, I secretly hoped they would do badly, so my score would be better in comparison.  I never did very well.

How many times have you secretly hoped someone else would fail so you would look better by comparison?  Do you feel better when you notice that someone else is fatter, poorer, sicker than you?  Do you feel worse when you see someone who is thinner, richer, healthier.....?

Our culture is set up so that when one person wins, everyone else loses.  All of our games are set up this way.  This is a dis-ease of the mind.  It is insane.  It stems from lack, fear of lack and a belief that there is not enough to go around.  A belief that if someone else wins, you will lose.  If someone else gets something, you will not.  It's very Darwinian; survival of the fittest, dog-eat-dog etc.

Let's start with a new premise.  There is enough.  Everyone can win.  The Universe will expand to meet all needs.

I used to feel resentment when I saw people who had too much.  They were taking more than their share, in my opinion.  Now, if I catch myself thinking such things,  I change it to being happy for them that they have what they have.  Truly happy.  I appreciate that they have nice things, a nice home or car, a healthy body or beautiful hair.  Whatever. 

When I look around me, my life is very nice.  I appreciate that.  The state of the world doesn't look so good to me, but my immediate reality is very good.  I do what I can about the state of the world but I don't allow it to consume or depress me.  That won't help.  A disaster on the other side of the world is not in my reality.  I wish them well, maybe contribute to the Red Cross, and mind my business.

You get what you focus on.  Mind where you put your attention.  If your attention is on winning at any cost and wishing others harm, that is the experience you will attract.  If you feel over-anxious about an outcome, you are damming up the flow.  If you are fighting a disease or a cause, then you are playing the helpless victim, and that is what you will be.  Instead, make a clear statement to yourself and to the Universe about what it is you want to achieve, imagine what it would be like to achieve it and then go mow the lawn or something. 

Pay attention to how you feel.  Are you anxious, worried, scared?  Is your body tense?  Then you are fighting against rather than going with the flow.

Why not play it like the game of dice?  Don't take it so seriously.  Relax.  Truly wish the best for your fellow players in the game of life.  When it's your turn, have what you want in your mind and roll your dice.  Accept your results, enjoy the game and roll again next time your turn comes around.



Now here's a biggie.

I haven't dealt with all of my addictions to my satisfaction but I have made some inroads.  I have observed the following:

People can and do become addicted to just about anything: food, drink, tobacco, drugs, shopping, gambling, other people, sex, power, money, adrenalin highs (jumping out of perfectly good airplanes for example) etc.

One addiction is no better nor worse than another (except maybe for its effect on the body).  It is sheer hypocrisy to disparage another person's addiction while engaging in your own.

We all want to feel good.  We find something that makes us feel good and we go back to it again and again.  We feel bad and we are looking for something to make us feel better.  It only makes us feel better temporarily, and usually makes us feel worse in the long run.  Physically worse (hangover, headache, DTs), emotionally worse (can't control ourselves), financially worse and so on.  Yet still we do it.  That one second, moment, or hour of temporary bliss seems to be worth it.  The addiction is a mask for the pain.

Stopping an addiction without processing the underlying cause only leads to starting up another.  Stop smoking, eat and/or drink more, for example.  When you stop Cold Turkey, you will feel deprived.  You will suffer the loss of what you thought made you feel good.  You will make up for feeling deprived by acquiring another addiction.

Go towards it, rather than run from it.  Do what you do, but be conscious.  Maybe you just have to quit Cold Turkey if it's something that you just cannot manage doing in moderation and your health is in danger.  But be aware that you will do something else to feel good until you can clear out whatever is really bothering you.  It doesn't really matter what you do.  You don't have to have, do or be anything to be worthy.  The first thing you want to give up is blame, shame and guilt.  You have the right to be here because you are.  You are worthy of your life and you are meant to be happy.

If you want to smoke, drink, fornicate or whatever, then do it with full awareness.  Really be there while you're doing whatever you're doing.  Anything in excess becomes unpleasant and cloying.  If you can remain present (like I explained in the post on eating) then you will know when you have had enough.  Really enjoy that piece of chocolate or that cigarette.  Then stop when you've had enough.

If you need to go Cold Turkey, then know that when you have a craving and you ignore it, it will go away.  It seems that we are not wired to sustain anything for long.  If you give in to it, you will strengthen it.  The cravings will continue to come but if you ignore them they will occur less frequently with less intensity.

If you feel deprived, go toward that deprived feeling.  Meditate on that.  What is really bothering you?  The better you feel about yourself and your life, the more clearing that you do, the better you will feel.  The better you feel the less you will crave doing something that makes you feel bad.

I have a dear friend who has been active in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for many years.  One time she explained the whole 12 step process to me, over several days.  I highly recommend it for any addiction, though I have never actually done it myself.  It's all about acknowledging the problem and then forgiving yourself.  And forgiving everyone else.  She said something to me that I am not likely to ever forget: "When there's a hole in your soul, jump in."