
Books that have influenced my thinking (in no particular order)


"The Prophet," by Kahlil Gibran
"The structure of scientific revolutions," by Thomas Kuhn
"A new science of life," by Rupert Sheldrake
"QED: the strange theory of light and matter," by Richard Feynman
"Farewell to reason," by Paul Feyerabend
"The holographic universe," by Michael Talbot
"The religion of science," by Lee Swanson
"A New Earth: Awakening to your life's purpose," by Eckhart Tolle
"A course in miracles," by Helen Schucman
"Ask and it is given," by Esther Hicks
 All of the Seth Books, as channeled by Jane Roberts
"The journey of consciousness: A warriors tale," by Veronica Torres
"Conversations with God," vols I, II & III, by Neale Donald Walsch
"Ultimate journey," by Robert Monroe
 The Bhagavad Gita, any version with modern explanations
"Occult chemistry," by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater
"Physico-physiological researches on the dynamics of magnetism, electricity, heat, light, crystallization and chemism in their relation to the Vital Force," by Baron Von Reichenbach
"The secret life of plants," by Peter Thompson & Christopher Bird
"The complete books of Charles Fort," by Charles Fort
"The dancing Wu Li masters," by  Gary Zukov
"Icons of evolution," by Jonathan Wells
"Molecules of emotion," by Candace Pert


"Nourishing traditions," by Sally Fallon
"Acupressure for emotional healing," by Michael Reed
"Energy medicine," by Donna Eden
"A modern herbal," by Mrs. M. Grieve
"MAP: the co-creative white brotherhood medical assistance program," by Machaelle Small Wright (title is off-putting, but the technique is great)
"Heal your body," by Louise Hay

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